I know this is way late, but I have been meaning to post pictures from Italy and I am finally getting around to it. I am starting with one of our little trips while in Italy. Before I flew home we were able to go to
Agrigento, Italy. Jake served 6 months of his mission here. It was
alot of fun seeing the
actual area he served in.
A few things about our trip to Agrigento:
-The flight from Rome to Agrigento is suppose to be a simple 40 minute flight, but this "simple" flight turned into one of the biggest nightmares ever and here is why...
1. Getting to the airport- We had to carry one suitcase, one pack and play (cuz the hotels never have them and Bailey won't sleep with us), a backpack, plus Bailey and the stroller. To get to the airport we walked a couple blocks to the metro stop, carried everything down a couple flights of stairs, rode the subway to the "termini" station, got off and walked up a couple more flight of stairs, and then walked about a mile to the train that takes you to the airport. Rode the train for 45 minutes (no air conditoner), got to the airport, waited in line for an hour to check in our bags, plane got delayed 4 hours, finally took off around midnight, Bailey cried the whole way because she was tired and won't sleep unless she is in her bed. Arrived in Palermo, Italy. We had car reserved, but the car rental place was closed so we found another one. Drove to our bed and breakfast where they told us they didn't have a room for us even though we had an email with a confirmed reservation. Drove around for another hour before finding a place with a room. Finally in bed at 3:30am!
The next day we drove about 2 hours to get to Agrigento. We had a blast hanging out on the beach and seeing the city. Our hotel was great! We were so happy to have air conditioner for the weekend, and we were dreading going back to Rome. Agrigento had some of the best food including the best Gelato I have ever had! Our flight home went alot smoother other then the fact that we had to wait almost 2 hours for our bags (which I guess is the normal in Rome). And then getting home is always a nightmare. It didn't help that I was pregnant and feeling horrible!
-One thing I learned about Italy- Italy=Chaos/Disorganization The People in Italy are so disorganized it causes so much chaos. No matter what you do it ends up being so much harder then it has to be. Example-standing in line at McDonalds (in Italy) you can have two people in front of you and it will take at least 15 minutes to get to the front of the line. People are constantly trying to cut in front of you anywhere you go.